Month: June 2016

  • A little snow

    A little snow

    “Words matter”, wrote Roger Marsh once in this blog. I agree with that. I do like words. Moreover, in this already gone winter the word ‘Snow’ came across in a curious and special way. First, it was my expectation of looking at white landscapes in this -for me- new country, so far away from mine […]

  • A new lease of life

    A new lease of life

    One of the joys of working in cmrc is the opportunity to collaborate with so many interesting and talented creative artists.  It has been my privilege over the years, since long before the existence of cmrc, to collaborate with some outstanding performers.  While still in my twenties I found myself working with musicians like Alan Hacker and Barry Guy, and in my thirties with Linda Hirst and John Potter.  And these were collaborative experiences, because from them I learned new ways of thinking, and because they didn’t just take my music and ‘do it’ – they probed and interrogated my ideas, and together we found a way to present the music which was new to all of us.