Composition Seminar -Felipe Cussen, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

Event Details


Notes on sound poetry and mysticism

In this talk, I want to put together my studies on different mystic traditions with my practice in the field of sound poetry.  I’ll present a theoretical reflection between some contemporary poets, musicians and artists and some aesthetic problems implied in the expression of mystical experiences form different traditions, especially considering the use of the spoken word with different procedures (repetition, combinatory, fragmentation, etc.). I’ll also talk about my experience producing the record “quick faith”, in which I recorded some excerpts of my voice and processed them with Ableton Live software, using different kinds of effects that make difficult to recognise the original material. In this way, I will demonstrate how my reflections and my creative work reflect the tension of the speech in this situation: can it be a means to communicate with a divinity or it can only reflect the failure of that assumption?


Felipe Cussen holds a PhD in Humanities at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), and teaches at Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. His main fields of research are experimental literature and mysticism. He’s part of Foro de Escritores, Collective Task, and collaborates regularly with the electronic musician Ricardo Luna. He has recently published the ep quick faith (records without records, 2105), the books Explicit Content (Gauss PDF, 2015), Closed Caption (Gauss PDF 2016), Regional Restrictions (Gauss PDF 2017), Letras (Gegen, 2017), and the project Correcciones (Information as Material, 2106).








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